




Elisha Drons, Jacky Flowers and Chloe Sykes

Sunday, February 23rd


Basically completed on the precipice of a psychological break, I have no real recollection of writing Gen Z Play. I remember the heat in the back of my head and the pain in my stomach. I remember vaguely the fear and anxiety i experienced being a young hot person toiling away in Los Angeles, conflating sex and self worth, placing persona above personage, etc etc. Stupid and tragic baby shit that is perfect for Generation Z but really for all generations in my opinion. It all bleeds together at a certain point anyway and we’re far past declaring that “the time belongs to us.” What gives work meaning is time, what gives time meaning is distance. Those struggles, centered around my own egotism and thirst for validation, hardly weigh on me now. Something inside me must have always known how absurd it all was and the result is Gen Z Play. The result is freedom. I don’t know what to tell you, the Zoloft clearly wasn’t working but at least the work is starting to make sense. I can’t remember if it took a few days or a week in total to write it. Not to brag but I tend to write only when it’s absolutely necessary and busting out of me like a cyst. Not to brag but it’s basically a LIFE or DEATH thing for me, or so people have told me. There was a first draft, but that was really only half of it. Act 2 came later and in the same style, but from where, again, I don’t know. LOL. It’s fun to drop things and then pick them back up. Laaa dee daa. Slacker mentality I’m still trying to shed, whatever. I can only read Gen Z Play now at a distance with a mixture of bemusement at the flamboyant, ironic dialogue and slight awe at its self prescribing profundity. I feel like a father who is both proud and embarrassed of his gay son. A Clandestino gay once asked me “Why did you write this, I feel like this is real” to which I was bemused and answered “because it IS real”. I’m not a nihilist by the way, by any measure, but i think you really have to suffer for the things you want. You really have to pull things out blackness, no matter how painful or mysterious. I believe in art and truth and God more than anything. I think Gen Z really gets that on a fundamental level so in turn I dedicate this play to them.

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