organized with Naoki Sutter Shudo
2.16.20 - 3.18.20
Sunday, February 16th
For this group show, the tree is dressed with work from Clementine Adou, Mathis Altmann, Milano Chow, Cindy Conrad, Matt Copson, Joel Dean, Kayla Ephros, Grant Felardeau, Rebecca Friedman, Paul Gellman, Nik Gelormino, Covey Gong, Brook Hsu + John Garcia, Gretta Johnson, Miriam Laura Leonardi, Nevine Mahmoud, Chloe Maratta, Krista Mary Martin, Sarah McMenimen, Alice Monkcraft, Julien Monnerie, Jory Rabinovitz, Chadwick Rantanen, Asha Schechter, Clayton Schiff, Dylan Vandenhoeck, Eric Veit, Willa Wasserman, Erin Calla Watson and Michael Zahn.
There will be live performances by Sam Davis and Loren Kramar during the opening reception on Sunday, February 16th.
This show coincides with Isabelle McGuire’s desk show “DIGESTING DUCK ENTRY LEVEL POSITION.”
1st dips map activated hardwood treats 100 percent charcoal from USA trees
wire, aqua resin, epoxy resin, glue, activated charcoal, map pins
dimensions variable
Cindy Conrad, 2020
And then I was back
battery operated, rotating music box
4.5 x 3.5 x 2.5 inches
Chadwick Rantanen, 2020
Black Dustpan and petals and can and fur and shards and bolt
dye sublimation print on water jet cut aluminum
4 x 6.5 x 0.06 inches
Asha Schechter, 2020
Bride Dude
7x 2.5 x 2 inches
Grant Falardeau, 2020
Christmas Tree Stand
Italian Stone Pine
diameter 23.5 inches
Nik Gelormino, 2020
355ml aluminum coca-cola Life can, 4m kidzlab soda can robot kit, AA battery, tulip
6 x 3 x 4 in
Joel Dean, 2015
Chunky Orb
beads, copper wire
10.5 x 6 x 6 inches
Chloe Maratta, 2020
Cubic Guy
paper, marker
2.5 x 2.5 x 2.5 inches
Clay Schiff, 2020
Door, Ajar
pencil, ink, photo transfer on paper
4 x 2.25 x 1.25 inches
Milano Chow, 2020
hang in there lil’ haruspex
crucifix crab, copper, cut visa bill
7 x 4.5 x 0.75 inches
Jory Rabinovitz, 2020
Hard Candy
5 x 2.5 x 0.5 inches
Nevine Mahmoud, 2017
Immature Ear
edition of 10, each 4 x 0.75 x 0.75 inches
Erin Calla Watson, 2020
fabric, buttons, embroidery thread, fiberfill
18 x 24 x 5 inches
Paul Gellman, 2019
Jingle dumb
bronze wire, metal beads, bell beat
3.5 x 3.75 x 1.25 inches
Covey Gong, 2018
Mozart St
tinsel, fabric, dirt
dimensions variable
Brook Hsu and John Garcia, 2020
cast and welded aluminum
8 x 2.25 x 1 inches
Sarah McMenimen, 2020
Mrs. Turtle’s Page 2
clay and acrylic paint
13.5 x 7.5 x 0.5 inches
Kayla Ephros, 2020
Paper snowflake
charcoal on paper
7” diameter
Willa Wasserman, 2020
aluminum, aluminum tape
11.25 x 2.25 x 2.25 inches
Clémentine Adou, 2020
Pig on a nut
epoxy putty
4.75 x 2 x 1.5 inches
Alice Monkcraft, 2020
Prop (Piece of Cake) 9
styrofoam and rigid polyurethane foam, butcher’s twine, adhesive, staples, joint compound, latex primer, bamboo skewer, fixative polymer and wax candle
8 x 4.25 x 2.5 inches
Krista Mary Martin, 2019
silicon, measuring tape, plastic
8 x 7 x 0.5 inches
Miriam Laura Leonardi, 2020
Slime Café
acrylic, basswood, coins, foam, mirror, polyurethane, fabric, thread
8.5 x 3 x 3.5 inchess
Michael Zahn, 2020
Squid Loop
HD projection
dimensions variable
Matt Copson, 2020
Suspicious Vehicle 1
Hot wheel, hot glue, glitter, local police report clippings
3.25 x 1.25 x 1 inches
Dylan Vandenhoek, 2020
Suspicious Vehicle 2
Hot wheel, hot glue, glitter, local police report clippings
3.5 x 1.25 x 1.5 inches
Dylan Vandenhoek, 2020
Suspicious Vehicle 3
Hot wheel, hot glue, glitter, local police report clippings
3.75 x 1.5 x 1.25 inches
Dylan Vandenhoek, 2020
Suspicious Vehicle 4
Hot wheel, hot glue, glitter, local police report clippings
3.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 inches
Dylan Vandenhoek, 2020
Swedish Fish
red clay, red glitter
3.5 x 1.5 x 0.38 inches
Dylan Vandenhoek, 2020
The Runner
HDPE, chip board, steel
4 x 3.25 x 3.25 inches
Rebecca Friedman, 2015/2020
Seated Figure
HDPE, chip board, steel
2.75 x 2.75 x 2.75 inches
Rebecca Friedman, 2015/2020
Toe for Tree
plaster, champagne wire, sewing pins
2.75 x 2.5 x 2 inches
Eric Veit, 2020
wework shirt, twigs, wire
28 x 30.5 x 3 inches
Mathis Altmann, 2020
Untitled (cercles)
brass, steel, tin
6 x 6 x 2.25 inches
Julien Monnerie, 2020
Willow and Chestnut Ornament
willow tree branches, hemp twine, gold watercolor
6 x 6 x 6 inches
Gretta Johnson, 2020
1 installation view with Squid Loop by Matt Copson
2 Untitled by Mathis Altmann and Toe for Tree by Eric Veit
3 Toe for Tree by Eric Veit
4 Immature Ear by Erin Calla Watson
5 Hard Candy by Nevine Mahmoud
6 Chunky Orb by Chloe Maratta
7 hang in there lil’ haruspex by Jory Rabinovitz
8 Willow and Chestnut Ornament by Gretta Johnson
9 Pig on nut by Alice Monkcraft
10 Lovers by Sarah McMenimen
11 Lovers by Sarah McMenimen
12 installation view with Squid Loop by Matt Copson
13 1st dips map activated hardwood treats 100 percent charcoal from USA trees by Cindy Conrad
14 1st dips map activated hardwood treats 100 percent charcoal from USA trees by Cindy Conrad
15 Jingle dumb by Covey Gong
16 Suspicious Vehicle 3 by Dylan Vandenhoek
17 Bride Dude by Grant Falardeau
18 Untitled (cercles) by Julien Monnerie
19 Mrs. Turtle’s Page 2 by Kayla Ephros
20 Cubic Guy by Clayton Schiff
21 Cubic Guy by Clayton Schiff, Immature Ear by Erin Calla Watson, 1st dips map activated hardwood treats 100 percent charcoal from USA trees by Cindy Conrad and Pics by Clémentine Adou
22 Pics by Clémentine Adou
23 Immature Ear by Erin Calla Watson, Pics by Clémentine Adou and Mozart St by Brook Hsu and John Garcia
24 Slime Café by Michael Zahn
25 Suspicious Vehicle 2 by Dylan Vandenhoek
26 The Runner by Rebecca Friedman
27 Ring by Miriam Laura Leonardi
28 Swedish Fish by Dylan Vandenhoek
29 Suspicious Vehicle 1 by Dylan Vandenhoek
30 Black Dustpan and petals and can and fur and shards and bolt by Asha Schechter
31 And then I was back by Chadwick Rantanen
32 Changling by Joel Dean and Christmas Tree Stand by Nik Gelormino
33 installation view with Squid Loop by Matt Copson
34 Christmas Tree Stand by Nik Gelormino, Prop (Piece of Cake) 9 by Krista Mary Martin, Suspicious Vehicle 1 by Dylan Vandenhoek and Swedish Fish by Dylan Vandenhoek
35 installation view with Squid Loop by Matt Copson
36 installation view with Squid Loop by Matt Copson
37 installation view
38 Janus by Paul Gellman
39 Mozart St by Brook Hsu and John Garcia
40 Seated Figure by Rebecca Friedman
41 Suspicious Vehicle 4 by Dylan Vandenhoek
42 Paper snowflake by Willa Washerman
43 Door, Ajar by Milano Chow
44 Prop (Piece of Cake) 9 by Krista Mary Martin and Christmas Tree Stand by Nik Gelormino